sunnuntai 31. tammikuuta 2016

A crime with my credit card! Or more!

The criminal way to use the others credit cards!

I have learned a new way to use the credit card, which I didn't know before, but I got the information, that the young Finnish people tried to use my credit card to pay their own accomadation in Azories in October 2014. Casas da Cascata, Faja Grande, Ilha da Flores, Portugal.

I made my own reservations by my mobile phone. I flied to three different islands from Ponta Delgada and before that I made my reservation 27th September in 2014 by the firm to Casas da Cascata, Faja Grande, Flores and then to the hotel A casa do Lado, Rua D. Pedro IV, nº 23 in Horta, Faial.

Then my balance of the account in the mobile phone was gone the next day, I thought all the data of the mobile phone was stolen, or not working, and there were the data of my credit card too! But I didn't close my card, I just stopped to use the credit account until the end of the year!

I used my credit card only that day, when I recognized that something strange happened with my mobile phone, and took 28th September 300 euros to live the next two weeks in the islands and Lisboa, and visit a market to buy some food. So I survived about five euros per day with the drinks and food there, and used that money to pay my accomadation there, and then in Lisboa two nigths and the travel to home in Finland. I used only about five euros per day and could eat with that money there. I walked a lot to see the birds and did the bird watching trips all the places I visited there.

But then I got some advice that the young people who took that house in Faja Grande, tried to use my credit card later there, and in Portugal and in Finland too. They were in the house, which I booked four days earlier, and the reason was the stolen data of my mobile phone. They got the keys and an young woman was there like a Finnish police, so the local people didn't know, what the crime they were doing there. Some thought they were doing the sex business in that island Flores in Azories! But I got more data in Finland, that those young people were from Jyväskylä, Finland. Somebody said me even their names at Sonera market in Jyväskylä.

But how much they ordered or used my credit card I never knew, because I didn't use it myself before the next year, so all October, November etc. They tried to use it to order the things by internet. Somebody should recognize that it was not me who ordered or used the credit card, because I never got the bills!

So I didn't know, if they could travel and change the places without paying by somebody's credit card or maybe order the things by internet?

If somebody could give more the data, because my name is the unic one, it is the only one in the world, and my credit card was Visa by Nordea, Luottokunta, Finland, and there migth be the criminals behind this story, the young people from Jyväskylä, Finland.

Who could give more the advice with these crimes, what should do to stop these young people, because they can do more harm with the credit cards, and how much the young people are using the credit cards not their own ones?

This was the real example!

keskiviikko 27. tammikuuta 2016

The graphics

The last week and today I made the monotypic works, they all are the unic ones, with the old things, the papers, and the decorations of the wedding and the bra, the dried plants etc.

tiistai 26. tammikuuta 2016

The own body in the medical use! The microbots!

The own body in the medical use!

I have studied a lot of the human anatomy in my studies and have been in the same courses with the medicine and pharmacist students, and I know, how important it is to know more of the bodies, so I did my last will to give my body to the medical purposes!

My last will is that my body is available in the teaching hospital, so the student can study and do their studies. Here we can all do our own will of our body, and after the death some bigger hospitals use the bodies in their medical studies. My daughter has already made that same will. It is important to make the papers and then you have to die in the way that there is no use to do the autopsy, like the heart attack, the cancer or the infections, which can be shown clearly!

I have seen the advances in the technics with the human bodies, to make the studies with the microbots or the nanobots, which will in the future, to make the threatments against the cancer cells, or the other cells, and there are a lot of the diseases, where they need the bodies to make the research and understand more of the anatomy.

All the small microbots are already used in the film and game technics, in the cleaning technics, and in the security technics, the purposes are a plenty of the technics of the microbots and the nanobots in the future.There will be found now a lot of the data of these technologies in the internet, and everybody can buy the microbots in their own purposes! Hope, that they are using the microbots wisely!

In this article you can find more of the technics in the future, and they are alredy tested with the animals, maybe in the human bodies too!

sunnuntai 24. tammikuuta 2016

Jussi-shirt, Ostrobothnia's Uniform 24/01/2016/explorefinlandpodcast, Finland

The interview of the document Jussipaita, the students Tytti Kuusinen and Onni Venäläinen (my son) will tell more of this Jussipaita!

You will find more of the commercial brand of the products! 

lauantai 23. tammikuuta 2016


Minä odotin jotain uutta tulevaa,
katselin kirkasta kuutamoa taivaalla,
kalpeita kuulaita hangen kuoria,
lumisia kuusia tien varsilla.

Ajatukseni ovat jossain muualla,
eikä se tee elämästä helpompaa,
tunnen kuinka joku ohjaa kulkuani,
mitä elämällä ja elämässä on jäljellä.

Onko minulle varattu suurempi tehtävä,
ehkä se toteutuu vielä keväällä,
siksi elämä meni niin kuin meni,
ja minua tarvitaan toisilla rintamilla.

Miksi ja miten kaikki oikein meni,
ei minulla aina vastauksia löydy,
ja tarvitseeko kaikkea tietääkään,
kun jokaisella ajalla on merkityksensä.

Tulevaisuuttani vielä en tunne,
enkä voi tehdä paljoakaan,
odotan ja toivon kaiken selviävän,
sillä muuta tekemistä ei voi olla.

The letters from Finland and abroad

My name and address is here Anne Härkönen, 43120 Pajupuro, Saarijärvi, Finland!

And still I have a lot of the letters which I got from Finland and the other countries in the seventies! It could be nice to find now all the people behind these letters. I have met the girls from London and Paris in 1974! But there some boys from Philippines, Tunis, England, and the girls from Belgium, England, U.S.A, etc., and a Japanese girl with whom I wrote almost ten years! How all they are doing today all my penfriends abroad and in Finland. They are a plenty of them!

There is an interesting story behind the letters from Philippines. My friend and a shopkeeper, from a shop, where I worked sometimes, found a letter from Philippines in the box of the fruits, and gave it to me. It was written in English and that boy was looking for a girl to help him to U.S.A! He wanted to marry a girl from States. But I wrote to him that a letter came to Finland! And then he wrote me and sent the photos etc. and I wrote a couple of the years with him, but think, that later he found a girlfriend in U.S.A.

I will start to find my penfriends abroad, I will send my letters to the adresses and hope there will still live the relatives or the friends to have a data of the people behind the letters, which I have had so many and so many countries!

"live like living the last day of your life!"

Sometimes I am writing here the texts as I was an young woman. Like today I wrote something, what I wrote when I was twenty years old! I have written my notes, my memories, my texts since I was fourteen years old.

Again I can find these small pieces of my young world, and the sentences are like the new ones. I can feel the same feelings, like that young woman felt then some forty years ago. The days were like yesterday and I can remember why I was writing those sentences.

I have said always that a child will live inside my mind all my lifetime. I will never be an old woman in my mind, and I can feel it better now. My body is getting older, but my mind will stay somewhere in my youth!

I could find my diary since the 27th April in 1973 until the 27th December in 1974, and on the last page of the diary there was a sentence "live like living the last day of your life!"

Rakkaus 1977


Mikä on todellista rakkautta?

Se rakkaus ei häviä kuukaudessa,
eikä parissakaan,
vaan säilyy rinnassa vuosikausia,
jos ruokin ja vaalin sitä.

Mutta jos olen vain ihastunut,
unohdan tai ainakin haluan unohtaa,
sillä se on liian hentoa kasvaakseen.

Olen kuin puunrunko,
jossa jokainen viilto,
on rikki mennyt ihmissuhde.

Minulla on niitä monta viiltoa,
kuten varmaan muillakin,
sillä en ole viaton tai täydellinen.

Olen vain ihminen.

Sinä 1977


Silloin tulit sinä,
pyysit tanssiin,
tulin ja halusin tanssia,
koko illan kanssasi.

Sinä olit toisen oma,
sormus oli sormessasi,
mutta oliko suhteesi jo kuihtunut.

Minä 1977


Olinko se minä,
vain harmaa usva,
se sadepisara,
joka kuivui,
heti maahan pudottuaan,
minulla ei ollut mitään merkitystä,
leijailin pilvissä,
elin ja toivoin.

Valo 1977


Ehkä joskus löydät valon,
valon loiste täyttää sinut,
sinä kirkastut,
ja saat suuntasi.

Löydät onnesi,
löydät jotakin,
joka täyttää elämäsi kokonaan,
ja olet silloin onnellinen.

perjantai 22. tammikuuta 2016

A part of the science fiction

"I could hear the voices, the high voices, and sometimes they were talking to me. When I used the protection, I couldn't hear them well. I was wondering the voices, where they were coming from, just the space or was somebody talking near. Sometimes they talked me English and more Finnish words."
"It was the comments of the people near me, the relatives and the neighbours, and the friends. They told me the comments, what to do in the next moments, or, if I was missing my own things, they gave me some advice, what I should remember to do."

"I could feel the small winds near my skin and sometimes some pain. The voices were talking even in the hospital at the first, of the other patients, the doctors and the nurses."

"They talked me how I looked after the angioplasty in the hospital. I looked foolish, because I was a partly outside of this world, and my eyes looked strange, because I could see myself something like turning around near my eyes. It was a strange situation. There were like the small plastic things turning around. They were so near my eyes like wondering what happened to me, and why I was looking so strange and outside of this world. They looked like asking if I will survive!"

"There are a lot of more these experiences in the mind to remember them later. How all was working, I couldn't explain. Sometimes maybe all will be true to understand, if these things can really happen in this world!"

torstai 21. tammikuuta 2016

Pohjanmaan Univormu 2015

My son Onni Venäläinen was a cameraman with this document.They got the films some thirty hours and the final document is some twenty minutes. A lof of work was to do all the interviews!

keskiviikko 20. tammikuuta 2016



Talvipäivän valo on hauras,
hentoina säteinä auringon paiste,
lumitähdet tuikkivat koivun oksilla,
onnellisen hetken tavoitan,
taivaalta toivoa ja turvaa tavoittelen.

Olenko saanut leposijani,
katselin kirkkomaata uusin silmin,
kellotapulin vieressä sukuni juuret,
nimi jota itsekin kannan,
onko paikkani sinetöity sinne.

Hauras on elämän säie,
tänäänkin toivoa on täynnä,
sydän on siunattua iloa,
historian kirjoja täynnä,
olen päässyt sukuni pariin.

Olen leposijani nyt valinnut,
tiedän missä on tuleva majani,
vanhojen kirkkojen perustukset,
olkoon sijoinani tulevaisuudessa,
olen siunattuun maahan tuleva.

Miksi koen olevani siunattu,
olen saava viimeisen matkani tänne,
koivujen katveeseen,
ja kellotapulin viereen,
sinne olen paikkani valinnut.

Surua tunne en,
sillä elämääni tunne en,
enkä päivieni määrää,
vuosi tai vuosikymmenet,
ne yhä alati kulkevat.

Mennyttä surra ei kannata,
tulevaa on turha ajatella,
on vain tämä hetki,
ja tämän ajan vaiva,
se minun on elettävä nyt.



Ajelehdin ajatuksien virrassa,
höyry nousee hengityksestä,
ja kosken pyörteistä,
rannassa jääriitettä,
koskikara kivellä keikistelee,
pyrähtää veden alle,
kunnes taas pinnalle pulpahtaa,
vain hetkisen viivähtää,
ja taas sukeltaa pinnan alle.

Taivaanranta punertaa,
pilven hattarat taivaalla,
kuun sirppi hentona,
kuulaalla taivaalla,
auringon säteet alhaalla,
metsän rannan tasalla,
lyhyt on talvipäivä,
iltapäivän sininen hetki.

Kuuntelen ajatuksiani,
olen kirjoittanut paljon,
turhuuksiakin toistellut,
kaivannut keskeytyksiä,
elämän kiihkeään virtaan,
pysähtynyt kosken partaalla,
hypähdellyt koskikaran lailla,
kiveltä kivelle uinut,
ja sukeltanut välillä syvälle.

Elämän matka on pitkä,
taivaanrannat toisenlaiset,
ovat toisina aamuina olleet,
repaleisia pilvien harsot,
ja lyhyitä toiset hetket,
olenko paljon sinisiä löytänyt,
sillä ei ole merkitystä nyt,
vaan olenko pakkasista selvinnyt,
elämän lämpöön päässyt.

maanantai 18. tammikuuta 2016

Muistoissa 1976

Minä olen liian ujo,
ehkä myös sinäkin,
sinä tulit illoin,
hymyilit vain.

Minä tunsin katseesi,
vastannut en.
Tunsit ehkä tuomioni.

Tunteeni olivat liian sekavat,
vaikka halusin sanoa,
rakastan sinua.

Rakkaus kuihtuu,
olet vain muisto minulle,
minäkin olen ehkä muistoissa vain.

Hänelle 1976


joka tietää,
häntä vain rakastan,
hymyilee vain,
katseet kohtaa,
sydän sykähtää.

jota rakastan,
ohi kulkee,
toisia kohtaa,
minua ei unohda kuitenkaan,
sillä rakkaus voittaa,
minua hän rakastaa.

Joululaulu vuodelta 2011: Lapsuuden joulu

sunnuntai 17. tammikuuta 2016

In the forests at Laukaa, Finland, -25 Celsius today

I was yesterday five hours outside and it was -27 Celsius in the morning and -18 afternoon. I am feeling well and living the normal life even being with the strange things a couple of the years. I am doing well with my heart and breathing. I walked today in the forests a few kilometres. It was -25 Celsius today, and I took the photos of the trees and the marks of the animals in the forest and the garden.

 A fox!

 A rabbit!

The flying squirrels are living in this forest. I have seen the marks of them often just near this big spruce.

 Our house and the garden today!

A bigger bird has found something to eat in the snow here in our garden, it migth be the smaller bird, but the bank voles are the common food for the owls.
 A squirrel!
Some birds!